Congratulations, you’re engaged! After the dust settles and you come out of the freshly engaged haze, it’s time to get some serious ideas about what you’re going to do for your wedding. When it comes to planning, you have a lot to consider, but the very first important decision to make is always where it’s going to be. You may already have this in mind and have dreamt of the perfect wedding since you were a little girl. But, if not, you may want to make an initial decision between staying in the UK or heading abroad. So, to help you consider both options, here are the pros and cons of both.
Yes To Home
First of all, you may be inclined to get married at home. Getting married in the UK can be super special. You have so many wedding day plans to cover off, when you’re getting married close to home you’ll often find that they’re easy to stay on top of. Plus, if you want to get married near to where you live, you should be able to invite all of your friends and family without any troubles. It may even be a tradition for you to get married in the same place that your parents did, and you can only do that if you stay in the UK.
Yes To Away
Alternatively, you might be tempted by the idea of getting married abroad. Not only do you have a fantastic location to look forwards to, but the weather is sure to be gorgeous for your special day. Getting married abroad can often be more cost-effective. The prices can be great in comparison to what you’d pay in the UK. You can also often find a destination wedding planner and leave most of the work to them. Meaning when you get married overseas, a lot of the pressure is taken off of you. Plus, you’re already in a stunning place, so your honeymoon can be covered off too.
No To Home
When you’re considering a wedding in the UK, there are a few downsides that can put you off of the idea. Firstly, you may not want to invite certain people. However, when you are getting married close to where you live, this is often difficult to do as it can seem rude. In terms of cost, the average UK wedding is somewhere in the region of £20,000 which can be a lot of money, and often more than like for like when held abroad. Plus, when you stay in the UK, you also have to deal with our very unpredictable weather conditions.
No To Away
But getting married abroad isn’t always the smartest option either. When you decide to head overseas, whether it’s in Europe or further afield, you risk alienating guests. A lot of people may not want to, or be able to afford to, come. So, your wedding may have to be a lot smaller than you’d hope. Plus, there are often a lot of legal implications that you have to attend to, often meaning you need to legally be married before you go. And then there is always the issue of distance, which can give you less control over the plans.
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